Sunday, November 15, 2015

Looking east

I will do all I can do to aid a falling brother. If that assistance should fail I will stand by my fallen brother. I will remember him in my daily devotions. If the occasion should occur that he should raise his hand and ask for help then I will grasp it by the Lions Paw and do as I can to raise him once again.
I do this as I know that if I begin to fall it would be done for me.
I would do this for if I was fallen, I know that the hand would still be there for me to grasp.
If I should fail I know my brothers would offer the same to my Wife and Children.
I do not need to question any of this for I have seen it when I knelt looking East

Monday, September 28, 2015


Is God willing to prevent Evil but unable?
Then he is not Omnipotent
Is He able but unwilling?
Then he is malevolent.
Is He both able and willing?
Then whence cometh Evil
Is He neither able nor willing
Then why call Him God?


My Answers:

In my belief God is certainly able to prevent evil. It is also my belief that God chooses not to prevent as to avoid interfering with the gift of choice given to us by God. By bestowing this gift the Deity has placed limits on intervention so that we might intervene on our own behalf. God need not prevent evil, we need only to choose to stop it ourselves. 

So God is able and unwilling yet not because of malevolence, rather because of Gods faith in his own creation

I believe in God. I have given a great deal of thought to the idea of describing God and I ended up deciding that if I choose to believe God exist, then trying to _Define_ God and the actions of Deity is to apply limits to God. 

I was so amazed at my audacity to attempt to place limitations on that which I believe to be, that I had to embrace the idea that my mind and consciousness was not capable of defining God. 

I can only accept the existence and believe. You now have my perspective on the existence of God. 

Moral and spiritual choices are mine as given to me by God. Just as Legal questions and choice is given to me by my fellow Man

Religion I leave to another discussion as it is dogma, tradition, and requirements of man in the purported service of God. Therefor it is not rooted in the will of God, spirituality, or faith.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


I am very grateful for my officers and the members of this lodge who have made sure the light of masonry is tended to. It is not that they tended the flame when I am unable, it is as I am unable I see they have tended it all along.
There may be times we think that we alone feed the fire and keep the flame alive. I am fortunate to see how many others tend the flame of knowledge and keep it alive that I might find my way back home.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

My Earth is Flat

My Earth is Flat.
Though I may traverse the sphere
The round planet is not my world
I am not defined by it's dimension
My Earth is Flat
I have not met a person that death will not take.
I have not met a person who is my better
I have not met a person that I am better than.
My Earth is Flat
We meet upon the level
We act upon the plumb
We live upon the Square.
My Earth is Flat

Saturday, July 18, 2015


 Nothing will ever change around you. Really you should not expect it to. Things will not change just because you are there or watching. Change requires energy, will, desire. Watching the world stay the same shows none of these. 

If you want to see change you must cause it, waiting for change only works for canyons and glaciers.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Many years ago I went to Scottish Rite Hospital for Children with my wife and girls. It wasn't my first time there. We went inside the clinic checked in and got an update from other families we had already met and talked about how life was going. We got Popcorn from Volunteers that years later I would learn were George and Kay Skinner. (Even if we didn't have the quarter they always made sure the girls had popcorn)
As the girls examined the Airship to see if anything had changed I went outside for a Smoke. I stood outside the sliding doors and I spotted a small rough pillar of granite with a side walk and small garden around it. I walked over and upon the polished surface at the top of the pillar was a Square and Compasses. I stood there looking at it and reading and finished my smoke.
I went back inside and sat down next to my wife and said "this is a Masonic Hospital"
She said, "Well, yeah. You didn't know that?"
I knew my grandfather and his father and a few more back were Masons but I had no clue what Scottish Rite was until then.
One of the Hardest things we ever did was to leave Scottish Rite Hospital We did it because we changed our lives and wanted to make space for other children who needed the services there more than we did. It was the only Hospital I ever looked forward to going to. they didn't just take care of my daughter they cared for all of us.
That moment lead me to seek out admission to the Masonic Lodge, and I have never looked back with any thing but affection upon the Brothers who took care of my child and my family when I could not.
I asked to be a Mason because of this, in return I was given the tools to make myself a better man and to help others in need. myself a better man and to help others in need.

Sunday, June 21, 2015


I have picked myself up and crawled back out of a pit enough times. I have felt alone and neglected and abandoned.
I have railed against the Deity and demanded answers.
I have in my moments of weakness blamed the creator for what I did unto myself.

In time I learned the Master does not need me as an apprentice. What I was learning the Master could already do. I needed what he could teach me.
The Master did not need me as a traveler.. Journeymen are many and only those who listen are worth their salt. I needed his direction.
The Master does not need me to draw a new design,, but he will let me and teach me how to make it better. I need the Masters will.
The Master lets me show my worth, lets me prove my tools, The Master hopes that I might one day join him at his table.
It is not possible that I might become a master with out the Master to teach me.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Some times we agree to disagree.,
I do this far more often often in business than in friendship or in family.
This is where procedures and base requirements of two organizations just simply do not meet up. We agree it doesn't work we both do our thing required of us and in the end the main thing in question gets done. This agreeing to disagree. we will each do our own thing as long as the main "thing" gets done.

In my friendship and loving relationships I find myself reflecting on the "one thing" in question. I can love my friend , I can love my wife and children, I can love my brothers and sisters even if they don't believe that my "one thing" is real/appropriate/realistic/acceptable.
"Agreeing to disagree" is a business arrangement. Accepting someone will not ever agree with you and deciding to continue caring about them them is friendship and love.


A response to a post about men and women.. from the point of view of a husband the post is below my response

A respectful response..
A Husband treasures his wife and the sacrifice of her family name. It is an outward show of commitment that he shares in by giving his family name to her.
A Husband Strives to provide a home for his wife and family.
A Husband gives up his family to make his own. it is or should be) an absolute issue. His Wife and Children are or should be the focus of his life.
A Husband moves in with you as well. it is not his mothers home to make it is not his fathers to command it is a husband and wife's to make and mold together.
A Husband should treasure and protect his wife in gravitas. She is his chosen mate caring his child. if he is thinking of anything but her comfort and the child's protection then he is not worthy of her.
A Husband's body changes though often not as fast. , A Husband gets fat. No Husband looks at love as a physical proposition.
A Husband is praying from the first time a Braxton hicks is identified to the time His wife clears delivery (most often he has already got to hold his child) That what ever power that created earth will protect his wife and child. (even atheist.)
being a "Husband" is not the same as being male or a Man. being a "Dad" is not the same as being a "Male parent"
Husbands do not forget to cherish their Wives any more than Wives forget to cherish their Husbands and Parents always remember to cherish their Children and Families..
(this is in response to an image post on a friends feed. )

This is the post I had responded to

A lot of men think they doing women a favour by asking for her hand in marriage, but lets think about this : she changes her name, changes her home, leaves her family, moves in with you, builds a home with you, gets pregnant for you, pregnancy change her body, she gets fat, almost gives up in the labour room due to the unbearable pains of child birth, even the kids she delivers bear your name. Till the day she dies everything she does benefits you.So who is really doing who a favour?Dear men appreciate your wife today, it is not easy to be a woman.*Being a woman is priceless *

Monday, February 23, 2015


As I have wandered the memorial Gardens of man the Thought occurred to me "Our Monument to God is what we make of the life he has granted us"

Saturday, January 17, 2015


OK Lucifer was supposed to be one of the most beautiful of angels, the "angel of light" I would like at least once to see a movie or TV show depict him as beautiful and seductive. We know fear, fear teaches us something is wrong. the darker side of our nature is attractive and is hard to resist. It is something that we have to watch for in ourselves and keep our base desires in check

learning from history

I am frustrated when "political correctness" and "revisionist history" coincide. My ancestors (even fairly recent ones) did things that I would never find acceptable. Our Nation has done terrible terrible things.
We should learn from these things, we should own the fact that our, ancestors and our nation did things wrong. Our society is gleeful to point a finger at other nations and cultures that do no more than that which our predecessors have done.
My family owned slaves, both black,and white. It is not something I am proud of but a fact of my lineage. My family "owned" bondsmen. Those who were in debt to my ancestors gave up their freedom or the freedom of their children to satisfy the debt.

These are historical facts I choose to learn from. I choose to learn from the mistakes of my fathers and my grand fathers.
I endeavor to learn from this past injustice. I won't pretend they didn't happen but I will not apologize for the mistakes of an age and culture I was not part of.
Building upon the knowledge gained from the mistakes of past generations, I hope to be a better man than they had the opportunity to be.


Things I learned by competing.
1. I lose more than I win. I don't like that, which is why I keep trying to win.
2. There are more losers than winners in any game. (see number one)

3. If I always win I will not try to improve, and eventually I will lose.
4. No one always wins.
5. Any one can lose so they might as well lose to me.
6. If I work hard enough I will be hard to beat.
7. Sometimes no matter how hard I work I might still lose.
8. My best is not always _good enough_
9. I can do better at a given skill than others. That does not make me a better person.
10. I have weaknesses. This does not make me a lesser person.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Trust v Faith

I have seen a couple words bandied about in recent years and used almost as synonyms. these words are faith and trust.
Faith - Faith is believing in what can not be known and sometimes can not be either proven or dis-proven. Belief in deity is an act of faith. Belief that humanity is innately good is in many ways an act of faith. Even the belief that there is no deity or afterlife is an act of faith.
Trust - Trust is the belief in the properties, or lack there of, of an object concept or person. Allowing some one into my home with the belief that they mean no harm, is an act of trust. Belief that my fall harness will save my life if properly used is an act of trust. Believing that some one will take from me if given the chance is an inverse act of trust.
Faith is a choice, given without need of acceptance, Trust is something that can only be earned or lost.

December Hollidays

The Miracle of the Lights is the reason for the Hanukkah season
To all my Jewish friends
Shabbat Shalom

The Celebration of the birth of Christ is the reason for the Christmas Season
To all of my Christian Friends
Merry Christmas.
The change of seasons and the seasonal rebirth of the world is the reason for the Yule Season
To all my Friends who practice Historic and Earth based faiths, Joyous Yuletide!
In the darkest part of the northern year, many religions have Holidays, but in the end, it is about Faith.
Faith is the Reason for the Seasons no matter how you celebrate.
May faith be with each of you in this season of celebration.

where I came from

Slightly depressing post, skip at your leisure...
Abused husbands exist. We are phantoms in the modern ideology, but we are here. We survive day to day and some of us get out. We make a drastic life changing decision to walk away from what is comfortable. Yes Comfortable, no mater how familiar it is. Pain can be comfortable.
The worst thing thinking back to when I allowed myself to be used and abused is that much of it I did to myself. I was bound by guilt and fear. I beat myself down in the name of "Doing the right thing"

I allowed myself to believe what was being said about me and the image that was being portrayed even though I knew it to be lies.
I knew what I was doing to myself and to my child was wrong and the guilt drove me to the brink of death.
I walked away and still allowed myself to be abused. I was lambasted and even nearly ran over by a Buick. I was taken advantage of and felt guilt for not doing more.
One day as I was becoming what I hated, becoming a user, I met a Woman who offered me .. not love; but unconditional affection.
I ran like hell. I was more afraid of this than anything I had ever encountered. I went to ground and hid in a safe spot. From that safe spot I began to grow and eventually was fortunate enough to grow beyond my experience and grow enough that I could have a real, lasting relationship.
In time I found my Wife, we argue fight and spat and then we hold each other keeping warm against the cold fear of night.
I have written this before and deleted it. I am in hopes I don't this time.
I _was_ an abused husband. Emotionally and mentally abused. I was an abused man. I am fortunate now to be a cherished partner in a real relationship. I am fortunate to acknowledge that I deserve to be respected.
We exist.


I didn't go to college (much) I don't have a pledge pin or a set of Greek letters to connect me to my brothers and sisters. I don't have memories of rush. I am happy for any who have this idea and ideal, Fraternal love is ever abounding in many ways.
When I was of that age I took a different path.
I do remember how the Men and Women beside me might save my life and that I might be required to give mine for them.

I do remember the oath my Brothers and Sisters took, Right hand raised, frightened but proud, Fierce and unknowing.
I will always remember on my Holy days to remember to pray for my Shipmates, for all of those who Serve our nation. I sleep warm because they walk upon that wall and say "not on my watch."
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Yuletide, ...
may God be with you, where ever you are.

God's Will

I have read and heard allot in the media lately about what is and isn't "God's Will"
Often when I hear this I remember my Grandfathers sermons and the lessons he taught. I am sure he would not necessarily agree everything _I_ took from his lessons, but this is how I understand one of the many lessons he taught me

God does care about each of us. God cares so much we were each given the choice, the choice to do right or to do wrong. The Father watches each of us and weeps for our failures and rejoices in our triumphs, but the mighty creator of all things , his will, his intent.. _will_ be done. If not by us then by another.
It is our choice to be an instrument of God. It is our choice if we should be an instrument of the world. These things do not exclude one another. It is only when we choose to be an instrument of destruction and to tear down another person for our own gain that we choose to turn our face from God.
Should we meet our Creator in the here after and hear the words "I know you not" it was our will; and our doing.

What Makes a man?

Good boy, Bad boy , Dude Bro, Dweeb
Lots of other descriptions of human males exist but the one we all strive for, the one we want to be called.. is a Man.
So what's the difference? What separates a true Man from any kind of boy? What keeps Bros, dweebs, hard core guys, and the endless list if Man-child titles from being Men?

There are many answers but I will refine it to Three
I learned these from being first an uncertain geek, and then a shiftless thug eventually a true bad boy and finally growing up and being a man.
Confidence. Not the frat boy "I'm gonna get some" BS but real confidence. The knowledge that you really are good at what you do.. not just having a degree or certification but proof that you can do what you do well It is a quintessential growth moment. Being able to feel like that without showing others or using it to make others feel bad.. now that. is real confidence. both Men and women, in work and Romance find this quality attractive as nectar to bees.
Creativity. We have to build not with timber and nails or stone. Any one can tear down but it takes skill and patience to build. Building oneself and others. A Man doesn't need to be in the sunshine casting shadow. He will improve himself by helping others along the way. It is truly said the greatest way to teach is to learn and the greatest way to learn is to teach.
A moral code.
This one is one of the hardest. It is the hardest because it is the one most often tested. It seems simple, crime and law, wrong and right. It takes many wrong decisions and being beaten down into the dirt, only to pick our selves up again and move on .. again and again... Some times being brought low for just cause some times not. It is picking ourselves up and refusing to be the least common denominator that makes us truly learn our own thoughts of right and wrong.
These things make a Man. Confident, Creative, Moral.