Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Want, Will, Need

Want. Will. Need. These are powerful words, words that define our existence in many ways.

Need. There are many things in life upon this earth we need. We need food, water, shelter, clothing. These reflect our physical needs. Companionship, order, law, as social creatures these are communal needs.

Want. The word itself explains it's purpose. We want things. We want a nicer shelter, better tasting food, warmer clothing. These are reasonable wants. As want in our Physical life we want social live as well. We want esteem, We want for interaction. We want for frivolous things as well. The latest game, a faster internet connection, a new toy.

Will. Will is the deal breaker. Will is the point at which we choose. What "will" we do to provide our needs, what "will" we do to provide our wants. "Will" is the word that defines our moral code. Will is the word that defines the choices we make every day.

These are the questions of how we live our life:

"What do you need to do?"
"What do you want to do?"
"What are you willing to do?"