Tuesday, April 1, 2014

walk a mile?

Would I ask you to walk a mile in my shoes?


My shoes fit me as I have worn them for many many miles. The countless days, and nights of living my life have formed my feet and they in turn have shaped my shoes.

No matter how similar our lives might be or how close the size of our shoes, you would always find mine uncomfortable and learn nothing from that mile except that your own shoes fit better. Even more so; the more different we are in occupation, background, lifestyle, etc.

I never ask some one to walk a mile in my shoes. However if you care to walk beside me for a mile, I will walk beside you as well.

We both might learn something.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Gods plan?

Many of us often talk of "God's Plan" and "God's will" We also speak of God as good and willing to answer prayer. Then we are ask why does God allow bad things to happen to good people.

If we accept that God is, and that God has plans and a will toward specific ends. We must also accept our will and plans do not always meet with those of deity. We must also realize that not all of our actions and plans have any effect on those of deity.

We have as a treasured gift from our creator the power of choice, and not just common choice of does this taste better than that. We are given the choice to act against our nature, against instinct, rules and training; to change the most profound ideas we have. We have the choice to walk away from the creator and his intent. Ultimately we chose even to believe or not to believe and both should be respected.

God did not just give this choice to those who pray, nor just to those who follow a particular faith. I believe the creator bestowed this on all mankind. Some will use this gift to care for their fellow man. Some will choose to follow a leader in a path, while others choose to wander.

Some will choose to do ill, to kill, to injure, to do harm for their own gain. I don't believe God likes the wrong doings, I don't believe that the creator wants bad things to happen to good people. I believe Gods gift of choice to us might just be the hardest thing any creator could ever do for their creation.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

what we did

In day's gone by we supported one another because we chose to. Weather by helping at a church or being members of mutual support organizations or fraternal organizations. We gave support when we could and ask for help when we couldn't. Pride is not so great a pain when asking a "brother" or a "sister". But that was a question of can you help me while I get back up from the dust.

Now our society seems lean more towards what can the state do for me to help me to provide for me? Picking ourselves up is hard, even harder when a person has to take a pay cut to leave public assistance.

Our nation was once a nation founded on faith. Not just faith in "God" but faith in one another. Faith in the idea of a truly "new world"

Granted our fathers and mothers missed the boat on more than one occasion. Slavery, Indian confinement, the Interment camps for Asians in WWII and even the current social persecution between one religion and on the other (or lack thereof)

We should certainly learn from these mistakes. and then move past them. We can help one another. We don't need the gov't to do it for us. we can just help one another.