Wednesday, August 26, 2015


I am very grateful for my officers and the members of this lodge who have made sure the light of masonry is tended to. It is not that they tended the flame when I am unable, it is as I am unable I see they have tended it all along.
There may be times we think that we alone feed the fire and keep the flame alive. I am fortunate to see how many others tend the flame of knowledge and keep it alive that I might find my way back home.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

My Earth is Flat

My Earth is Flat.
Though I may traverse the sphere
The round planet is not my world
I am not defined by it's dimension
My Earth is Flat
I have not met a person that death will not take.
I have not met a person who is my better
I have not met a person that I am better than.
My Earth is Flat
We meet upon the level
We act upon the plumb
We live upon the Square.
My Earth is Flat