Monday, September 26, 2016

Some ask

some ask "do I know who else is helping?",
I reply, "I don't care. I am"
some ask "Why don't they help their own"
I reply, "I don't care. I am"
Some ask "why don't others help them?"
I reply, "I don't care. I am"
Some ask "how is this a model for our our children?"
I reply, "I don't care. I am"


God created a world, created it and filled it with light and life.
Life flourished, following its cycle every plant and beast.
Beast roamed lived and died; and the wild was untamed.
Untamed into the world now did God introduce Mankind.
Mankind God made in his own image able to make a world.
A world made by each to fill with whatever they create.
Create a world of life and love and you will love the life therein
Therein lies the danger, there are other things we can create.
Create not a world of bitter hatred, darkness and despair
Despair then of the world of life and love will be your fate.
Fate such as this is not what God has meant for his creation
Creation of a world is the true gift to mankind from God

Sunday, August 7, 2016


Remember as you go to bed, it is better to sleep with love than hate. Let go of pain and recrimination for the night and rest. remember at least one thing you love as you drift off.
Rest has never come of anger, but peace has always come of love.

Final Message

I just presided over My Final Stated meeting as the current Master of Arlington Masonic Lodge 438 I would not have made it through this year without My Officers. What follows is the final news letter report I sent in. It leaves out one very important person. My Wife Monica Riney. With out her constant support over multiple years and putting up with my self doubt and spurring me forward My Officers would never had had the chance to help me. Of all people on earth I owe her thanks first and foremost.
This year as Master has been for me a lesson in humility. It has been a lesson in asking for help. For the success of this last masonic year I owe this thanks to the Men who stood beside me.
One year ago I wrote to tell you how excited I was to be trusted with the office of Worshipful Master of our Lodge. In that year I have learned how honored I really should be to sit in the East in Arlington. It is a rare state that any lodge might find itself in that both the Master and the Secretary are both at times medically out of action. Many of our other officers have also faced life events in this past year and yet as a whole this lodge has risen and proclaimed that we are Brothers first. Our agendas have been attended to. Our day to day functions have not failed. We have had what I believe to be a good Masonic year.
Many of my plans went astray and had to be left to the wind due to being physically infirm. Details I had put down on paper for many many years went by the wayside. When this happened I found I had, not only the richness of the blessings of God to carry me through, I had a corps of officers who simply made things happen. I am still not sure how they did it. The Officers of this Lodge, along with our committees and all those who stepped in and often times said "Sit down Worshipful, we got this." are the ones who made things happen in the lodge for the last 12 months.
I am privileged to take the credit for the work they did my year, as undeserved as it is. I am proud to take responsibility for any thing that went awry.
I am more excited today to be a member of this lodge than I was a year ago. I am more honored to have been chosen as Master than I ever would have dreamed.
Thank you all
Don Riney
WM Arlington 438


Anadiplosis: Card 2 of my Rhetoric flash cards.
Every Mason has taken an Obligation
The Obligation we take makes us all Brothers
As Brothers, we will all learn our Obligation


Anaphora (Card 3 of my Rhetoric flashcards)
The Lodge is met in Peace
The Lodge is maintained in Harmony
The Lodge meets upon the Level
The Lodge acts upon the Plumb
The Lodge parts upon the Square.


On June 7th 1776, the "Lee Resolution" that was proposed by Richard Henry Lee and read as follows "that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved." Discussion was deferred until July 1st.
On June 11th A committee of Five were appointed to draft a declaration document
ON July 1st Discussion on the Lee Resolution was joined.
On July 2nd 1776 the continental congress voted in parliamentary unanimity (New York Abstained) to declare our independence from the British empire.
On July 4th the final Draft of the Declaration of Independence was approved.
By August 2nd, 56 men of wealth and position declared themselves as insurrectionist and treason against the Crown. Printed broadsides were posted throughout the States.
Most of us have read the first few lines of this document that defined our desire for freedom. How many have rad the whole thing?


been long week remember be in love with something or some one tonight. Love keeps us human.

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Hand to Hand 
I greet my Brother 
Friendship sworn 
In Solomon's Oath

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

a mark

I learned many lessons this weekend. They are complex and I am just starting to try and wrap my mind around them. Of all the degrees I took upon myself the Mark Mason has thus far impressed me most.
I have a mark and have long held it. any who have a piece of art signed by me can find it if they look for it. But I had not looked upon a Craftsman's mark as a lesson until now.
This is how I have made sense of this lesson to this point.
What is in a Mark?
A Mark is made any time a pen touches paper,
A Mark is made any time a foot touches dirt.
A Mark is made any time a beast claws stone
A Mark is made any time a gull touches sand.
A Mark is then gone
When the paper is cast into the fire.
When the rain washes the dirt
When the Wind scours the stone
When the wave meets the sand.
The Mark is Forgotten
The Mark is not but ash
The Mark is not but mud
The Mark is not but passing
The Mark is not but sand
How does a Mark hold Fast?
The Mark must be known well
The Mark must be struck well
The Mark must be worthy
The Mark must be well earned.
A Mark then is lasting.
It must not default before rage
It must not fail to memory
It Must Not Be given lightly
It must not be free as sand
A Mark then is lasting
When Written it is a Bond
When Held it is Faith
When engraved it is Enduring
When True it is Eternal


It was my honor in my Masonic lodge tonight, as Worshipful Master, to give a program honoring the Masonic Widows. A Brother asked me to share the presentation I made. (it's long)
Brothers, Sisters, Family, and Guests;
Tonight we pay tribute to the widows of our fallen Brethren. This is done in memory of Strong and Upright men who believed in their hearts that the sacred idea of the brotherhood of man beneath the fatherhood of God is a divine and indisputable truth.
As we are brothers in our obligation, one and to another, so are the wives of Master Masons our sisters. As a man takes a wife, her brother’s wife is his sister. As a woman takes a husband his brother is her brother.
This is spoken of in our rituals as we invoke the Book of Ruth. So much is it ingrained that the symbol of a woman related to a mason has become over time the blue slipper. Symbolic of the contract between Boaz and his kinsman wherein he offered to take responsibility for Naomi and Ruth and his kinsman, in confirmation, and testimony of assent plucked off his shoe and gave it to his neighbor.
Our Ideal Ancient Grand Master Hiram Abiff Is mentioned in the Old Testament as “A Widows Son of the Tribe of Naphtoli” Who was summoned out of Tyre by King Solomon to cast al the vessels of the Temple.
The Gospel of Luke tells of Jesus being moved by the tears of a widow and commanding her only son to return from death to care for his Mother.
The Gospel of Mark tells of a Widow who gave of herself even if it should affect her own well being and was raised as an example by Jesus to others who would make offering.
In our Masonic practice we are instructed and sworn to maintain and uphold the good name and reputation of any female relation of a Master Mason, but we are particularly Obligated as Master Masons to have a care for the direct care and relief of our Brothers as well as their Widows and orphaned minor sons and unmarried daughters.
Now in our lives boys grow to be men and some become Masons and Daughters become wives and their welfare becomes the responsibility of their spouse. But our Widows and their care remain our responsibility.
In older years before social programs and healthcare insurance, which is less than 100 years ago, I believe this was a great comfort to all of our Brethren. Remember less than 20 years ago we would wait a week to hear from our Kin by mail. Long distance charges made instant communication a luxury. 40 years ago, the mail was much slower. 60 years ago a long distance call might take hours or days to connect.
The knowledge even 60 years ago that if something happened to me my wife would be taken care of, my children fed, would have been a priceless comfort. Think then of times before that when the mail could take months. When aid from relatives a state away was months longer, how priceless then was our Obligation of care.
Tonight we have ask our Sisters to join us in the celebration of our Brothers lives; the Lives of their Husbands and their cherished memories. Let each of us as Masons remember why we are here and what our obligation means.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


1 is the ultimate prime
2 is prime because it is inseparable from the base 10 math that 1+1, 2x1, or 2/1 all = 2
3 is the first non defacto prime. 
3 x 3 is 9
10 is the first double digit integer.
9 x 10 is 90
4 is the first non prime integer.
4 x 90 is 360
360 brings us to a circle
which proves a square.