Monday, September 28, 2015


Is God willing to prevent Evil but unable?
Then he is not Omnipotent
Is He able but unwilling?
Then he is malevolent.
Is He both able and willing?
Then whence cometh Evil
Is He neither able nor willing
Then why call Him God?


My Answers:

In my belief God is certainly able to prevent evil. It is also my belief that God chooses not to prevent as to avoid interfering with the gift of choice given to us by God. By bestowing this gift the Deity has placed limits on intervention so that we might intervene on our own behalf. God need not prevent evil, we need only to choose to stop it ourselves. 

So God is able and unwilling yet not because of malevolence, rather because of Gods faith in his own creation

I believe in God. I have given a great deal of thought to the idea of describing God and I ended up deciding that if I choose to believe God exist, then trying to _Define_ God and the actions of Deity is to apply limits to God. 

I was so amazed at my audacity to attempt to place limitations on that which I believe to be, that I had to embrace the idea that my mind and consciousness was not capable of defining God. 

I can only accept the existence and believe. You now have my perspective on the existence of God. 

Moral and spiritual choices are mine as given to me by God. Just as Legal questions and choice is given to me by my fellow Man

Religion I leave to another discussion as it is dogma, tradition, and requirements of man in the purported service of God. Therefor it is not rooted in the will of God, spirituality, or faith.